




十余次在国内外举办个人画展:2003年1月应澳大利亚中华文化中心邀请,在悉尼举办”陈运权个人作品展”;2000年8月,应香港”集雅斋”邀请,举办”陈运权作品展”;1998年9月,应深圳美术馆邀请,举办”陈运权中国画作品展”;1997年4月,应马来西亚”顶点画廊”等机构邀请,举办”陈运权工笔重彩作品展”巡回展(吉隆坡 加影 高渊);1991年1月,应台湾”红尘画廊”邀请,举办”陈运权画展”; 1989年10月,应台北”神州艺术中心”邀请,举办”陈运权个展”等。多次-应邀参加中外美术活动: 1998年8月,应波兰政府邀请,赴波兰参加二十世纪波兰国际艺术节;2001年9月,应中华人民共和国文化部邀请,赴北京参加在中国美术馆举办的大型回顾性画展《百年中国画展》。

出版有《陈运权作品集》、《当代高等院校中国画名家教学系列.陈运权课稿》、《中国当代名家精品系列.陈运权专辑》、《 陈运权白描花鸟画集》、《陈运权工笔花鸟画小辑》、《名家白描.陈运权》、《中国当代画家自选小辑.陈运权》、《心曲》等十余部专集及由国内外出版的五十余部大型画册。


Chen, Yunquan, born in 1959 in Shashi (part of today’s Jinzhou City) in Central China’s Hubei Province, graduated in 1983 from the Department of Chinese Painting, Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts

Being a member of the China Artists’ Association, he is Professor, concurrently postgraduates’ tutor, at the Department of Chinese Painting, Hubei Institute of Fine Arts. He is also a Guest Professor at some colleges and universities.

Among his awards are: a silver prize at the 7th China National Fine Arts Exhibition, an Academic Award for Chinese Painting Painter by the China Artists’ Association, an Excellent Art Work Prize by the Ministry of Culture of P. R.China for two times, and a Art-and-Letters Star Award of the Hubei Province.

CHEN Yunquan has more than 200 paintings published in academic art journals in China, including Art, Studies of Chinese Painting, Chinese Painting and Calligraphy, Rong Bao Zhai, Chinese Painting Painters, Fine Arts Literature, Jiangsu Art Monthly, Artist, The World of Collectors, etc. and outside China, like France, America, Poland. He was included in A Complete Collection of Fine Art Works in China, and A Collection of Chinese Paintings: One Hundred Years(1901-2000), interviewed by many radio and TV stations both at home and abroad.

His paintings are in the collection of many museums, embassies, Chinese painting research institutions, and collectors both at home and abroad.

Among his solo and group exhibitions are:

January, 2003 Sydney “Solo Exhibition: CHEN Yunquan”
August, 2000 Hongkong “An Exhibition of CHEN Yunquan’s Artworks”
April, 1997 Malasyia “An Exhibition of CHEN Yunquan’s Rich-colored Meticulous Paintings”
January,1999 Taiwan “An Exhibition of CHEN Yunquan’s Paintings”
October, 1989 Taipei “Solo Exhitbiton: CHEN Yunquan”
August, 1998 Poland participated in “The 20th Century Poland International Art Festival”
September, 2001 Beijing participated in the large-scale retrospective “An Exhibition of Chinese Paintings: One Hundred Years”
September, 1998 Shenzhen “An Exhibition of CHEN Yunquan’s Chinese Paintings”

His catalogs include A Collection CHEN Yunquan’s Artworks, A Collection CHEN Yunquan’s Classroom Paintings, A Collection CHEN Yunquan’s Birds-and-flowers Line Drawings, A Collection CHEN Yunquan’s Meticulous Flowers -and- Birds Paintings, A Melody from the Heart, Line Drawings by Well-established Painter: CHEN Yunquan, etc.
